
What a night!

October 2nd, 2014   

Came to Leeds for almost 20 days already, just too lazy to update my life. Well, ill try to keep updating my life here and everything!~

Last night, I was planning to go clubbing with some of my friends from Japan, I am not that kinda clubbing person tho, but this one was organized by the Asian community and seems to be fun, so I asked one of my friends from Japan if she wanna go together. Her name is Kaoru, she is really nice and I love her a lot! We talked on Facebook before i came to UK a little bit and met up when i arrived here, we haven't talked a lot but seems like we have a lot to talk to. And she is in psychology as well, we are planning to go traveling in Europe together this Christmas!

So I asked her, and she said she would love to go, i was like okay, if she is going, ill go with her coz you would not enjoy the club if you go with someone you don't know very well. She also asked couple of her friends to go with us as well. We decided to meet up at Parkinson steps yesterday at 10:20 and then heading up to the club together. But yesterday when I saw her, she told me that she didn't expect that its a clubbing, she thought would be a cultural thing, like people from all over the world sit down together and talk about their cultures like those kinda stuff. She just kept saying that she is so sleepy and tried and seems like don't have the mood to go clubbing, another Japanese girl seems won't enjoy as well. I don't know how to express my feeling that time, coz I am the kinda person that always hope people around me could be happy. I don't want them to do the things that they won't enjoy. 

Everyone just seems tired and not happy for the clubbing. Anyways, we got there by taxi, and there were lots of Chinese people there already waiting for the club open, we just stand there, I was like we could just go in, to see if we like it, if we won't enjoy, we could just leave. Later on, more and more HK people, Malaysians and people from Singapore came, and seems like most of them went to the pre-drink and got drunk already, we were surrounded by them, and watching them doing something stupid.....

I felt sorry about this, but I didn't know why, I didn't do anything wrong but I really didn't wanna see them unhappy. So I said if you guys really don't wanna go inside, we could just try to sell our tickets to others who doesn't have one, and then we were try to find people who seems like don't have the tickets, but seems like everyone has one. Finally, I found that girl who is the organizer of the CSSA, and we gave her our tickets and she will give us money back later.

After that, we got on a taxi going back, well, for some reason, another Japanese girl and I have to wait at Kaoru's place for like 40 mins to get back finally. 

What a night!!! I don't know how to express my feelings last night, I'm not complaining that its a bad experience or something, I just feel that if people around me are not happy, then I couldnt be happy anymore, I am always trying so hard to make everyone happy, but actually I can't do that all the time. Sometimes I feel tired. 

But, I guess the only thing I could do is to be happy myself. 我不想做那个让自己的不开心影响到身边人的那个人,每个人都有不开心的时候,都有情绪不好的时候,更重要的是如何调整自己的情绪,让自己从不好的情绪中很快走出来。我希望自己带给身边的人都是正能量吧!


