

Oct 19, 2014

Teaching with sisters on Wed was good ba, long time no teaching, made me remember of lots of old times back in Canada with all my cute missionaries. Then made pasta for dinner.
Did the volunteer thing on Thurs for the international fair at leeds, the first time to represent WESTERN, its hard when people came to ask me, which school you like better, Western or Leeds, Haha, I would say both, but I guess I like Western a bit more for now ba, just because I have been studying there for such a long time, ohhhhh myyy, I miss Western so much, everything back there...even the goose shit..
 The booth for all Canadian uni!!

Be proud of being a uni student at WESTERN!!


We had the Asian Party on Friday.....its truly hard for me to organize the whole thing, we got like 18 ppl came over, and seems like all the things messed up... anyways, I hope somehow people had fun ba! Im really appreciate for those people who helped me out, reminded me of last year when I organized the Chinese New Year Event for like 100 people, I couldn't do anything without people's help. I love team work.


I was watching the HK drama the whole day yesterday....NO DRAMA ANYMORE!!! Thats why I don't really watch dramas, because I know as long as I get started, I just can't stop...cant help myself!!

Lots of work need to be done.....GO TO GET YOUR WORK DONE!!! STUDY!!!

