Just checked the air ticket for the reading week, if I skip one week classes since I only have two lectures a week, I would be able to get back home right before the new year eve. I know its better to not go back home and stay to study, since i have exams right after the break, but... just kinda missing home during the new year time.
Went to church today and attended the baptism for Eric after the church service. I miss those times when I go to church regularly. I guess my first new year resolution is to get my life back on the track....going to church regularly
Today's weather was so bad, took bus to the church and had to walk for like 20 mins in the snow...it was horrible. Luckily to get a ride back home but I didn't feel so safe since the guy was not really confidence to drive in the snow i guess.... got back home safely, which is good!!!
Had a lazy weekend, didn't do too much, didn't even finish my readings for the last week...sigh, been pretty lazy...need to get my study mood back!!!
Oh, Matt is getting married in April!!! So happy for him!! Finally!!!! Cant believe he is finally getting married! Will Skype him next week! It has been so long since we last talk! Miss him a lot!
Lots of ppl getting married, things keep moving on... sometimes I feel a little bit lost, probably its because I'm graduating this summer and don't know where my life gonna take me for the next, probably I'm just don't know what to do or what I truly wanna do in my life...but, not so many ppl know exactly what they wanna do anyway, i guess what we could do is to enjoy the moment, cherish every single one in my life and SMILE, BE HAPPY!!!